Sunday, December 9, 2007

A Year Ago Today

Exactly a year ago we were waiting for really important news from Hawaii International Adoption Agency. We had been waiting to hear if we could adopt Cami. The call came on December 12th at 3pm. I was driving in my car. Our case worker said, "The baby is available". And I said, "We want her".
That night I printed out large photos of her from her referral information and I mounted them on paper and laid them around the Christmas tree. I remember how we spent that night in shock and awe and amazement...... looking at the pictures and trying to imagine the direction our life was taking now.
I was reminding Mark how I asked him to just say "yes" and we could figure out all the details along the way. Thankfully, he did. He said yes. And a year later we feel like the luckiest family in the world.
Here is the photo I stared at that day, along with a photo of how Cami looks this December.

1 comment:

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

What an amazing year and my prayer for you is more amazing ones to come :)