Friday, August 29, 2008

School Girl Cami

Last night Cami had Open House for her preschool.
She will be going to preschool two mornings a week.
We have talked alot about it and I think she understands and is looking forward to it.
She was charmed by her teachers and she loved all the toys.
Here are a few pictures of her dressed for school and
visiting her classroom.


We5Chois said...

I can't wait to read all about Cami's adventures at school. She looks adorable as always. Her little face just brightens the world.

I love her expression, the world always looks full of wonder when you see it through Cami's eyes.

Life with JJ, Starr and Spice said...

Cami looks like she will do amazingly well. She always seems to soak in her new experiences and then welcome them. Hope that her first day is pain free for Cami and Mama.