Friday, March 30, 2007

Introduction: Kegan

Kegan is our second child, first son. He is known as Kegan to his friends, but his teachers and other officials call him by his first name, Joel.
He is our middleman....quiet and deep thinking......probably thinking about how he ended up with all these sisters!

Kegan has the kind of beautiful soul that attacts people to him. He is instantly adored by pets and children, and he has more friends than anyone I know. He doesn't have to do much to entertain them. People seem happy just to share the space he is in. He's funny and kind-hearted, and he can fix all sorts of things!

Kegan is 17 and in high school. He loves skateboarding and music, especially making his own! And he is an avid player of video and computer games. He has a sense of justice that reaches far beyond his years. And even though he teases us that all we talk about are "orphan baby stories", I think Big Brother is going to delight Cami more than he can imagine!

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